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Red Magic - A Short Musical

On June 11th, 2012 I presented my final project for year one of the BMI Lehman Engel Musical Theater Workshop. It was a short musical title “Red Magic” for which I wrote Book, Music and Lyrics. It is based on a play of the same name by the Belgian playwright Michel De Ghelderode.

The show tells of the miser, Hieronymus, who spends his days and his nights counting his money. He is in fact so miserly that he wouldn’t even waste his wife, Sybille’s virginity. It is a well known fact, that once it is used, it is no longer retrievable. But Sybile has other plans. She invites to their home the charismatic alchemist, Armador, who promises Hieronymus endless money, and even immortality, all Armador would need is to have some private time with Sybille.

The cast included the talented Caleb Damschroder, Lizzie Hagstedt and Robert Berliner. The exquisite Natalie Tenenbaum played my music to perfection.

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